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Backup tool controls all the backups you have created and backups created automatically. The backup tool contains all the functions to maintain your backups.

Refresh - Updates the list of backups.
Combine - Combines two or more backups to one backup. For example if you removed ten files the program also created ten backups. If you later want to combine those ten backups to just one backup then select the backups and click Combine. There are some restrictions about combining backups, for example you can only combine local backups with each other.
Rename - Renames the selected backup.
Restore - Restore the selected backup or backups.
Remove - Removes backups.

Additional features
Tools>Create custom backup - Allows you to save a branch of the registry database to a .reg file or as a jv16 PowerTools backup file which you can use with the Backup tool.

Additional features
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